സിവില് സര്വ്വീസ് പരീക്ഷ : എന്താണ് ഓപ്പറേഷന് കച്ചപ ?
ഇന്ത്യന് ബ്യൂറോക്രസിയുടെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയര്ന്ന പദവിയിലേക്കുള്ള പരീക്ഷയാണ് സിവില് സര്വ്വീസ് പരീക്ഷ. ഇന്ത്യന് അഡ്മിനിസ്ട്രേറ്റീവ് സര്വ്വീസ് (ഐഎഎസ്), ഇന്ത്യന് പൊലീസ് സര്വ്വീസ് (ഐപിഎസ്), ഇന്ത്യന് ഫോറിന് സര്വ്വീസ് (ഐഎഫ്എസ്) എന്നീ ഗ്ലാമര് പദവികള് മുതല് നിരവധി വകുപ്പുകളിലേ ക്ലാസ് വണ് ഉദ്യോഗങ്ങളിലേക്കും ചില ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ബി തസ്തികകളിലേക്കുമുള്ള തെരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പും സിവില് സര്വ്വീസ് പരീക്ഷയെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയാണ് നടക്കുന്നത്. അതുകൊണ്ട് തന്നെ കടുത്ത മത്സരം നടക്കുന്ന പരീക്ഷകളിലൊന്നാണ് സിവില് സര്വ്വീസ് പരീക്ഷ. പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കിറങ്ങും മുമ്പ് നിരന്തരമുള്ള തയ്യാറെടുപ്പ് ആവശ്യമാണ്. ഫോര്ച്ച്യൂണ് അക്കാദമിയും ഏഷ്യാനെറ്റ് ഓണ്ലൈനും ചേര്ന്നൊരുക്കുന്ന സിവില് സര്വ്വീസ് പരീക്ഷാ ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങളുടെ അഞ്ചാമത്തെ ചോദ്യാവലിയാണിത്. സിവില് സര്വ്വീസില് മാത്രമല്ല, കേരള സിവില് സര്വ്വീസ് പരീക്ഷയെന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന കേരള അഡ്മിനിസ്ട്രേറ്റ് സര്വ്വീസ് (KAS) പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കുള്ള പഠനത്തിനും ഈ ചോദ്യോത്തരങ്ങള് നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കും. അതെ, ചെറിയ ചില കാല്വെപ്പുകള് വിലയ മുന്നേറ്റങ്ങള്ക്ക് കാരണമാകാം. വരൂ, നമ്മുക്കൊന്നിച്ച് മുന്നേറാം.

Answer: (b)
• Bread- Sub-Standard Yeast
• Lettuce- Gamma-BHC (Lindane)
• Meat-Ciprofloxacin, Sulfonamide
• Turmeric Powder-Lead and chromium
ttps://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/gk-current- affairs/story/common-food-adulterants-in-india-1370601-2018-10-19
Answer: (a)
Operation Kachhapa is launched by the Wildlife Protection Society of India in collaboration with the Orissa State Forest Department and the Wildlife Society of Odisha and other local NGOs for conservation of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle in September 1998 to try to stem the slaughter. Its objective is to reduce turtle mortality and try to safeguard the future of the species by concentrating on three main activities:
.To improve patrolling of non-fishing zones and the protection of nesting sites.
.To support legal action on turtle conservation and fishing law violations.
.To build public support and awareness of sea turtle conservation issues.
Answer: (d)
US dollar-denominated debt is the largest component of India's External Debt, followed by the Indian rupee, SDR, Yen, and Euro. Hence statement 2 is not correct. Commercial Borrowings continue to be the largest component of India's external Debt followed by NRI deposit and short term credit. Hence statement 1 is not correct.
https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-cm/india-s-external-debt-eases- to-us-521-2-billion-end-december-2018-119040100925_1.html
Answer: (d)
Geo-engineering approach to reversing global warming – ‘The intentional reduction of the coverage and optical thickness of high-level cirrus cloud could potentially reduce global warming by modifying the longwave radiative effect of cirrus clouds.’
https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/science/a-cocktail-geo-engineering- approach-to-reversing-global-warming-4805937/
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6364967/Could-thinning-clouds-combat- climate-change-Scientists-propose-radical-plan.html
Answer: (a)
. Asiatic lions that once ranged from Persia (Iran) to Palamau in Eastern India were almost driven to extinction by indiscriminate hunting and habitat loss. A single population of less than 50 lions persisted in the Gir forests of Gujarat by late 1890's. With timely and stringent protection offered by the State Government and the Center Government, Asiatic lions have increased to the current population of over 500 numbers. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
. The double-hump camel is a native of Gobi desert, and is found on a vast expanse of cold-desert areas across Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and parts of Afghanistan. Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct. The populations of one horned rhinoceros have increased to around 3,500 rhinos in northeastern India and the Terai grasslands of Nepal. Hence, statement 3 is NOT correct.
https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/specials/india-interior/two-humps-one-job-in-nubra- valley/article7900544.ece
Answer: (a)
The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) was constituted under The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006. The independent regulator TRAI is the first independent regulator in India.
https://www.prsindia.org/billtrack/the-petroleum-and-natural-gas-regulatory-board-bill- 2005-430
Answer: (c)
. This new bill amends the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961. Under the new provision, women are entitled to visit creches four times a day. Maternity benefit of 26 weeks are provided. Out of 26 weeks, Up to eight weeks can be claimed before delivery. However, one can instead take the entire 26 weeks of leave after the delivery. If the woman has more than two surviving children, the maternity benefit is for 12 weeks only.
Source:https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/the-benefits-women-are- entitled-to-and-the-rights-they-can-claim-under-maternity-1557655754106.html
Answer: (d)
All the statements are CORRECT:
. The Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme are launched with an objective of reducing India’s gold imports and brings all the gold lying idle with individuals and households in India into the economy. As investors, will get returns that are linked to gold price, the scheme is expected to offer the same benefits as physical gold. The Bonds will be sold through Scheduled Commercial banks (except Small Finance Banks and Payment Banks), Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL), designated post offices, and recognized stock exchanges viz., National Stock Exchange of India Limited and Bombay Stock Exchange Limited.
. Eligibility: The bonds will be restricted for sale to resident Indian entities, including individuals, HUFs, trusts, universities and charitable institutions.
. Denomination and tenor: The bonds will be denominated in multiples of gram(s) of gold with a basic unit of 1 gram. The tenor will be for a period of 8 years with exit option from the 5th year to be exercised on the interest payment dates.
. Minimum and Maximum limit: The minimum permissible investment limit will be 1 gram of gold, while the maximum limit will be 4 kg for individual, 4 kg for HUF and 20 kg for trusts and similar entities per fiscal (April-March) notified by the government from time to time.
. Joint Holder: In the case of joint holding, the investment limit of 4 kg will be applied to the first applicant only.
. Collateral: Bonds can be used as collateral for loans. The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is to be set equal to the ordinary gold loan mandated by the Reserve Bank from time to time.
. Tenor: The tenor of the Bond will be for a period of 8 years with an exit option after 5th year to be exercised on the interest payment dates.
. o Interest rate: The investors will be compensated at a fixed rate of 2.50 percent per annum payable semi-annually on the nominal value.
Answer: (d)
A branch of the Arabian sea monsoon strikes the coast north of Mumbai. Moving along the Narmada and Tapi river valleys, these winds cause rainfall in extensive areas of central India. The Chotanagpur plateau gets 15 cm rainfall from this part of the branch. Thereafter, they enter the Ganga plains and mingle with the Bay of Bengal branch.
Source - India: Physical Environment Class : XI
Answer (c)
. Statement 1 is CORRECT: A Proclamation of Emergency declaring that the security of India or any part of the territory thereof is threatened by war or by external aggression or by armed rebellion may be made before the actual occurrence of war or of any such aggression or rebellion, if the President is satisfied that there is imminent danger thereof.
. Statement 2 is CORRECT: Every Proclamation issued under this article (352) shall be laid before each House of Parliament and shall cease to operate at the expiration of one month unless before the expiration of that period it has been approved by resolutions of both Houses of Parliament.